Friday, December 21, 2012

The Atlantis Hotel

We've had the Atlantis on our to-do list since we arrived. It's likely the biggest hotel in Dubai at 1500 rooms and also the most prominent building on the Palm Jumeirah, the palm tree shaped man-made island just off the city.
Rob was off yesterday, so it was the perfect clear, sunny day to explore the hotel and have a drink on what I envisioned to be a luxurious terrace overlooking the Arabian Gulf. A friend told me that the hotel is "easier" if you have a reservation before you stop by. What does that even mean, I remember thinking.

Didn't take long to it figure out. Poor souls who don't have a reservation get directed past the front drive to "The Avenues." The Avenues! we thought. How fabulous. They weren't. We learned quickly that "The Avenues" is a small, cavernous, overpriced shopping mall adjacent to the hotel. Shopping malls are something of a pastime here, and after only one month in Dubai, I've ceased to be impressed by them, especially when they're filled with Atlantis sweatshirts and keeping me from my fancy terrace.

We had the idea to call for a reservation. That would at least get us access into the hotel and out of this shopping mall purgatory. With our reservation, we proudly walked up to the security guys to tell them that we had a reservation and to please let us in because we're different than these other losers. They directed us to our restaurant, about five feet behind us in the mall. I'll never forget the defeat in Rob's face when he saw it.

But we're not quitters (that and we had spent $15 in cab fare to get there) so back outside we walked to regroup and plan our next move. A quick Google search showed a beach bar at the hotel. Weird thing to make a reservation for a beach bar but I've seen weirder here, so we did. We walked confidently back to the same security guys, this time telling them that we'd like to get by because we're going to the beach and please don't make us ask again. They again directed us back outside and around (not through) the hotel. I've never felt more like a mouse in a maze.

This place has security like Fort Knox. If Buckingham Palace is half as unassailable, the queen is in good hands. Here's Rob, walking where guests definitely shouldn't be walking, looking a little defeated but still determined.
After a 20 minute walk and getting denied access by at least seven security guards, we found our beach bar, which of course was not in the hotel and indeed open to the public. But the sun was hot and the beer was cold, so here I am:
We got in to the hotel at the end, but it took us circumventing the building, securing the perimeter, and sneaking in through the pool area.

I haven't found Dubai to reminiscent of Vegas as people had warned. Until yesterday. The lobby is massive, with 365 degree views of Dubai on one side and the wide open Arabian Gulf on the other. It's pretty impressive and relatively peaceful, thanks to well-implemented rules for keeping the riff raff out.
They even had a lady dressed up in winter clothes selling roasted chestnuts. I LOVE roasted chestnuts, but even I can't stomach them on an 80 degree day.

We found out yesterday that two of our favorite friends will be moving to Dubai in February! We're thrilled, but insistent that they should learn to navigate this place on their own rather than us showing them the way. So in honor of yesterday's debacle (and for a few laughs) we thought we'd go to the Atlantis for "a quick drink" and let them figure it out from there.

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