Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bad Hair Day

Today I finally bit the bullet got my hair done here in Dubai.

While there are salons (or "saloons" as they call them here) on every corner, it's actually quite expensive to go to (what I've read is) a reputable place. But with temperatures relentlessly climbing, I knew I had to do something with the frizzy, brassy mop I've been sporting. Three months of unemployment and the associated perk of sitting at the pool every day was great for my tan but apparently took its toll on my hair. Also, my roots are slowly getting gray but as I'm still coming to grips with that fact, I don't want to say anymore about it.

Anyway, evidently "the Rachel" from Friends circa 1995 has finally made its way out east. My hair is also very dark, but I was told I'll only have to wait four weeks until it looks "fab." Still, I talked the stylist out of ombre coloring, which she said would be great because I "already have the roots" and that it will only be on trend for "three more months so I'd better do it now." Good sales pitch, I told her, but seeing as I'm old enough to have some gray hair, I'd prefer something that will be in style for a little longer than 90 days, thank you.

So thankfully, my hair doesn't look like this:

But it does look a little bit like this:

Then she recommended I come back every 6-8 weeks, but unless I want half my monthly salary supporting this woman and her family, I'll have to negotiate my hair needs.

In other news, Rob and I were thrilled to wake up this morning to find out that everyone is now safe from those lunatics in Boston. It's so tough to hear these things from far away, worrying about the people I love there. But I always knew it was a fabulous city with fabulous people, and this tragedy just confirms that.


  1. Well I'm not an expert about hair, but I've heard some people experience hair loss after reaching Dubai may be due to water and climate changes.

    1. Well i am sure askalfred's comment made you feel better about your hair future. I too am seeing grays and am completely in denial. It's mostly in the back, where I can't see it, so therefore it's not really happening. It's like playing peekabo with Arianna: she can't see me so I can't see her.The grays can't see me so I can't see them.

      Switching gears now. It has been a brutal few weeks in Boston, but as often happens tough times can bring out a lot of good as well. The boston one fund has raised 22 million plus for the victims. Everyone is starting to figure out recover, and justice will hopefully come somehow. Miss you and love you.

  2. let's see the new do?! when i heard layers I thought uh oh...not Andy's best it off!

  3. Your writing has impressed me on bad hair day post. It’s simple, clear and precise. I will definitely recommend you to my friends and family. Regards and good luck
