Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"Soaked in Sepia Tones"

Last weekend, we experienced our very first sand storm, a phenomenon of nature about which I wish I was still blissfully ignorant. Much like my first experience with ice storms in Missouri, I learned very quickly that they are not just the things of legend. They exist and they'll ruin your day. In related news, my suspicions are confirmed that California is pretty much the best place in the whole world.

Never did I see anything like this on even one brochure or website about Dubai before we moved here. Speaking of marketing, "soaked in sepia tones" was taken from a story about the storm on Emirates 24/7. Sounds so romantic, right?

Anyway, it already looked pretty nasty out in the morning, so Rob and I took a trip to the Mall of the Emirates, a massive shopping mall not too far from us (and home to the infamous indoor ski hill!) I'm not typically a mall girl, and I can think of many, many things I'd rather do with my precious weekend, but malls are air conditioned and sand-free and where people spend their time for the better part of the hotter months.

Here's a shot from our front row seat in the metro (which incidentally is the very best place to sit if you have to take public transportation.) It was 97 degrees when this photo was taken.

We left the mall with lighter pocketbooks, but with a pair of cute shoes (mine) and a new orange dress (also mine.) See? There's always a silver lining, even during freakish weather. When we'd spent enough money (read: Rob telling me not to buy anything else), the wind was really blowing hard so we found a bar to duck into for a cold beer and some soccer.

We made our way home via metro and bus on a pretty grueling trip, from which I think I still have sand in my eyes and teeth. Then we did the one thing we do best: we ate spicy Indian food until our mouths were on fire. Every time the restaurant door opened, menus, napkins, small children--pretty much anything that wasn't glued down, would go flying around because of the wind.

We got home just in time to watch the rain, thunder, and lightning from our apartment, which continued into the next day. I guess it goes without saying that by the time I arrived to work the next morning after my commute, I was looking like an extra on the Thriller video shoot.

May we never see another one of these again, but if if we do, may there be sales at the shopping center.


  1. Silicon Valley vs. Silicon alley. I'll tke the valley.

  2. I have been to that mall and eaten at the Chili's there. Don't order the baby back ribs as you will get adult back ribs instead. Not good. We did have a very good hot chocolate while watching the indoor skiing in the middle June. Just on the other side of the mall walls, the sun was making its best effort to melt the concrete. What a strange world we live in!

    1. I think about how strange this place is...well just about daily.
      No ribs yet. Good advice :)

  3. This makes me want to sing "sepia tone lovers " from jack. But I know the storm wasn't peaceful like his music. Well that's definetly one to add to the books, check, sand storm.

    1. Hopefully our first and last! I can't think of one thing thing that Jack Johnson and sand storms have in common!
